A message from the College Principal and Head of High School

Welcome to the St Henry’s Marist College website. Thank you for visiting!

As you will see from our website, St Henry’s is a school which truly speaks to the education and formation of the whole person. Along with all of the other Marist schools and universities across the world, it is our aim to provide opportunities for young people to grow, to thrive and to become the best versions of themselves.

It is worth highlighting that St Henry’s has been doing this for nearly 100 years. In 2029, the College will mark its centenary and over these decades, St Henry’s has produced remarkable people. When I say this, I don’t just mean particular alumni who have become CEOs, CFOs, High Court judges, professors, doctors, successful entrepreneurs and so on. We have these of course. What I mean is that St Henry’s alumni as a whole are capable, competent and innovative people with a strong value system. This is the benefit of a Marist education. It’s not about isolating academics or sport or culture and focusing on only one of these areas. It is about all of them together; about the importance of having opportunities in all of them and doing so within an ethos guided by St Henry’s distinctiveness as a Catholic school.

So, if you are a prospective parent, I invite you to explore the website and our school. Once you have gained some insights from our website, come in and visit the St Henry’s campus. We will be more than happy to show you around and share St Henry’s with you.

If you are an alumnus or a parent whose son or daughter has already matriculated, welcome back! It would be great to connect with you again.

Enjoy your virtual visit!

Dr Stephen Leech
College Principal
Head of High School

A message from the Preparatory School Principal

Traditional Christian values form the foundation of our educational practice. Our pupils are exposed to a variety of opportunities in their inclusive day so that they receive a balanced education.

It is upon the pillars of Mary’s Way, Presence, Family Spirit, Simplicity and Love of Work that the Preparatory School has been built. These pillars are furthermore supported by our core Marist values of Humility, Simplicity and Modesty which have been in place at SHMC since 1929.

Our academic curriculum is aligned with the Independent Examinations Board and Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa Early Childhood Development framework. We nurture curiosity and a sense of wonder, coupled with the continuous seeking of progress to deliver methodology based on the needs of the 21st-century student. Our success in this area is built on a well-balanced, all-round education offering where, through a strong co-curricular programme, our pupils develop essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, grit and essential leadership skills.

SHMC Preparatory School is an amazing place for children to grow into robust, adaptable young adults. We strive to establish and continuously maintain authentic relationships with our students and parents within a nurturing environment whereby boys and girls learn the value of self-discipline within a guided context so that they may excel to become the best version of themselves.

Today’s world is a fast-changing environment, and our teachers are learners who keep up to date with local and international best practice. They constantly evaluate their teaching practice to ensure that they are doing all they can to help their students achieve their full potential and improve their learning experience. They are patient, adaptable and committed.

The Preparatory School is an area of the school where the foundations for academic excellence are laid. Boys and girls from Grade 000 to Grade 7 develop a love for learning in a Catholic school environment which has a strong emphasis on the social and emotional well-being of our students.

I hope that you will feel inspired to explore our wonderful school a little closer, as this will allow you to assess for yourself, the prevailing atmosphere of engaged and happy children going about their daily school life. If you are a parent who values the importance of a quality education for your child, then there is no doubt that SHMC is the place for you.

Mr Sean Ackerman
Preparatory School Principal


Religious Ethos

A specific Marist ethos has evolved in the light of the life and philosophy of the Marist Founder, St Marcellin Champagnat.


Family Spirit

There is a place for everyone. A sense of belonging is fostered.



Spending time with young people provides opportunities to be part of their lives, build up relationships and support them.


Love of Work

To foster the value of work and respect for different kinds of work.



Being straightforward, genuine, humble and modest.


Mary’s Way

To follow Jesus in the way of Mary, someone who was open to new possibilities in her life.



Outreach is vital aspect of life at St Henry’s. Awareness of the needs of others is at the heart of Marist education and many opportunities are provided to contribute to efforts to alleviate the plight of those in dire circumstances.

The School Song

“Non Nobis Domine” is an adaptation of Psalm 115

Non Nobis Domine, Domine
Non Nobis Domine
Sed Nomine, Sed Nomine
Tua da Gloriam.

Not to us O Lord, not to us,
Not to us, O Lord,
But to your name, your holy name,
Be glory ever given.

Non Nobis Domine, Domine
Non Nobis Domine
Sed Nomine, Sed Nomine
Tua da Gloriam.
Tua da Gloriam

Meet The College Management Team

College Principal and Head of High School:

Dr Stephen Leech (office@sthenrys.co.za)

Principal (Preparatory School):

Mr Sean Ackerman

Deputy Principal (High School):

Mr Robert Wyatt-Minter

Head of Department (Pre-Primary and Junior Prep):

Mrs Meredith Madgin

Head of Ethos:

Mrs Barbara Burns

Head of College Sport:

Mr Sean Ackerman (Interim)

Head of Culture:

Ms Romi Schumann

Business Manager:

Mr Joseph Zsitvai

Head of Advancement:

Mrs Tessa Swart

Admissions Manager:

Mrs Kerry-Anne Francis